Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rock Chalk Jayhawk Cookies

This really hasn't been my two weeks! I got over my sickness, but I've been sooo ridiculously stressed from my finals (and the papers I have to write!) that I didn't even remember to update my blog until today. So there's going to be a double post.

My lil bro's dorm has the most awesome RA ever. She arranges all sorts of activities to make them feel like they really do have a home away from home. For their last big bang their entire floor had a picnic, and they had one request-- Jayhawk cookies.

L5 stands for his dorm and floor!

I don't know what's in the cookies that makes them so great, but everybody loves them.

So mom and I made Jayhawk cookies. It took us FOUR hours to frost FOUR dozen cookies.

And it was worth it!

Here they go marching one by one hoorah, hoorah...

No recipe (sorry kids, it's a secret ;) but you can enjoy the pictures!

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